Where Can I Go in Asia?

In honor of Vietnam opening today, we thought it would be a good time to provide some important updates. We are so excited to share that a number of countries are now open! We have highlighted which countries are open, which ones are opening soon, and the details of entry requirements. Please note that this information is as of today, March 15, 2022 and remains fluid with the possibility to change. Always consult your partners on the ground for the most current information, and visit Destination Asia’s country-by-country resource page for the latest updates.


Vietnam is fully reopening its borders starting 15 March 2022. International visitors arriving in the country by air must undergo a rapid antigen test performed by officials at the airport. They are then required to self-isolate at their hotel while waiting for test results that can take up to 24-hrs. Travelers must install one of the health declaration applications (specific app details to be provided upon arrival) on their smartphones and keep it “on” during their stay in Vietnam.


The Indonesian government is reopening the country in different phases, initially started with Jakarta only and then gradually adding additional entry points. Starting on 7 March 2022, Bali has reinstated Visa on Arrival services for international passengers arriving at Denpasar's Ngurah Rai Airport. All other airports open for international arrivals continue to require a B211a visa to be applied for prior to travel. Visitors must be fully vaccinated (ages 12+), have a negative PCR test no more than 48 hours before departure, fully paid accommodation for 3 consecutive nights in a CHSE-certified hotel, and health insurance with a minimum of $25,000, and a return ticket within the visa validity window.


Registrations for the Thailand Pass under a new and more flexible Exemption from Quarantine program (TEST&GO) began on 1 March 2022. Vaccinated travelers will be required to take a PCR test on day 1 and self-administered rapid test on day 5. Visitors are still required to stay in their room at a Government approved (SHA++) hotel while waiting for the results of the test on day 1. Travelers who have not been vaccinated or are partially vaccinated will be required to enter a 10-day quarantine, and undergo two PCR tests—first upon arrival on day 0-1, and the second on day 8-9.


Cambodia officially reopened for tourism on 15 November 2021. There is no quarantine upon arrival for vaccinated tourists, but there is a 2-week quarantine still in place for unvaccinated visitors. A rapid test is administered upon arrival and, if negative, tourists can then depart the airport and travel anywhere in Cambodia.


Malaysia's borders will re-open on 1 April 2022. There will be no quarantine for those fully vaccinated with a negative PCR test 2 days before departure and a professional antigen rapid test taken within 24 hours after arrival. Detailed SOP to be announce soon.


Singapore is open to fully vaccinated travelers who are short-term visitors. Tourists can enter Singapore through the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) which means that when traveling via the Vaccinated Travel Pass (VTP), guests must have been fully vaccinated in their country/region of departure. Visitors will need to do self-administered rapid Covid tests for seven days after arrival but submission of results is not required.


Laos is currently in Phase 1 of a 3-phase “Lao Travel Green Zone Plan.” Fully vaccinated travelers from 30 countries can now enter Vientiane. After a 24-hour quarantine period, they can explore the “Green Zones” of Vientiane, Luang Prabang and Vang Vieng. Travelers can only enter Laos by booking through an approved tour operator. Once an application has been approved, visas must be applied for from your local embassy. Travelers must also show proof of full vaccination no less than 14 days prior to arrival, a negative PCR test within 72 hours of arrival, and health coverage of at minimum $50,000 per person.

If you’d like to hear more about any of these openings or want some suggestions on how to include the counties in itineraries for your clients please reach out here.


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